RIS-3279-TOM is the railway industry standard that sets the specifications for high-visibility clothing worn by rail workers. It ensures rail works are seen and safe when on or near the trackside by setting PPE requirements such as colour and visibility.
The RIS-3279-TOM standard
RIS-3279-TOM is a high visibility standard for the UK rail industry. The RIS-3279-TOM standard sets the technical specifications for PPE, ensuring rail workers working on or near the trackside are sufficiently visible.
Under the railway industry standard, this high visibility standard helps protect rail workers from trains approaching at speed or any other vehicles or traffic. All garments produced in adherence with RIS-3279-TOM must meet specific high visibility requirements such as being a specific orange colour.
RIS-3279-TOM replaced the previous GO/RT 3279 standard in 2017. The change from the Railway Group Standard GO/RT 3279 to the RIS-3279-TOM standard reflected an industry-wide commitment to developing safer standards.
The RIS-3279-TOM requirements
RIS-3279-TOM, formerly GO/RT 3279, specifies the requirement for rail workers to wear high visibility clothing.
The technical specifications for the RIS-3279-TOM certified garments is based on the EN 20471:2013 European norm for high visibility clothing. In particular, RIS-3279-TOM garments must comply with the EN 20471 Class 2 for visibility. This is the middle of the three class range, ensuring the rail workers’ clothing offers a suitable level of visibility.
RIS-3279-TOM also specifies the colour for compliant high-visibility clothing. The garment must adhere to a specific orange colour, as outlined in clause 5.1.2. of EN ISO 20471:2013. The precise chromaticity coordinates for the colour as specified as: fluorescent orange, X:0.588, Y:0.371. with a luminance factor of at least 0.4. The accepted tolerance for colour is detailed in EN 20471. However, there is no tolerance for the luminance factor.
The specified orange colour ensures optimal visibility for rail workers. Network Rail has also implemented a ‘Full Orange Policy’ meaning all workers must be dressed in high-visibility orange garments that conform to RIS-3279-TOM standards.
Further to visibility class and colour, RIS-3279-TOM also specifies the requirement of retro-reflective material, with photometric and physical performance aligned with EN 20471.
Under RIS-3279-TOM, rail workers are permitted to wear a ‘mini vest’ as long as it complies with the specified Class 2 visibility, colour, and retroreflection requirements. Any mini vest worn must not obscure the high-visibility clothing or reduce the visible surface area.
Similarly, any company logos applied to the garment are only permitted where they do not obstruct visibility or compromise the garment’s surface area. It may be possible to be granted permission to deviate from the standard requirements. 22-053-DEV, for example, allows for the inclusion of a patch with details of Samaritans on high visibility clothing.